Money spells are a specific ceremony designed to draw wealth to you. This operation often incorporates many common esoteric tools such as candles, crystals, letters of intention, and even actual currency. There are essentially two different types of money spells.
The first is done to eliminate whatever negativity might be in the way of someone being able to manifest money. Needless to say, there are different reasons why cash may be lacking in your existence. It could be something as simple as your sense of self-worth or something as complicated as outside energies working against you. Either way, the object is to eliminate whatever prevents prosperity from coming to you.
Financial Spells
The second type of financial spell is designed to draw prosperous energy to a person. This can come in the form of a quick cash windfall or an opportunity to make continuous money over time. The ultimate idea with either type of financial magic is to achieve a more flowing financial energy around the person or situation in question. Either way, basic spellcasting techniques are a must for both spell types if you want to create abundance and attract prosperity.
Are you looking for money spells that work? Even though we all relate to money differently, everyone will tell you that having it is better than needing it, especially if you have any outstanding bills or dreams that have been on hold indefinitely due to a lack of funds. The following are some simple suggestions, rituals, and spells they recommend to attract more money into your life.
Money Spells
Do witches need money spells? Well, they may say that the love of money is the root of all evil, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it a little now and again.
Using spells for money shouldn’t be against anyone’s ethics, as long as you are honest with yourself about your need for some extra prosperity (more money spell ethics). Casting a spell because you want a bigger TV or a new car is a poor use of magick and will most likely not be successful. A good money spell that works is a realistic one.
Simple money spells can be the best if you don’t have a lot of time or are fairly new to witchcraft. Don’t be fooled that they are somehow less important because they are easy. For the most part, magic comes from inside you anyway. Even easy money spells can bring you plenty of abundance if done with good intentions. You can even give a few lottery spells a try if you want to hit it big that way.
Do Money Spells Work?
They work because the person doing the operation understands that everything they manifest must first begin within them. This is called self-worth, and it’s essential to get just about anything you need in your existence. The best financial magicians and witches are often the type of people who typically have no problem manifesting whatever they need. Their lives are a reflection of their rich inner state of being.
On the other hand, when a spell doesn’t work, it’s usually because the person casting it is too attached to the outcome or in denial about the usefulness of what they’re spending their current wealth on. There can be a lot of reasons for this. For instance, perhaps they are broke and in debt. Desperation is a well-known damper upon the flame of manifestation. People who are penny-pinchers also seem to have manifestation problems. That’s because hoarding their resources restricts the flow of financial energy into their existence.
How Long Do Money-Winning Spells Take to Work?
There is no hard and fast rule for how long it takes a financial spell to work. The consensus is that if the work is going to be a success, it should manifest some type of result within 2 weeks to a month. This is approximately the length of a complete lunar cycle going from one new moon to the other (with a full moon in between). If your work has not brought about a result within a month, you should go over what you did and try again. Sometimes the timing for the things we need doesn’t always coincide with our desires.
Can Money Spells Backfire?
Yes, money spells can backfire, but they rarely backfire in so far as you would end up losing money. If the work has been unsuccessful, more often than not, nothing usually happens. The universe (or whatever deity you petitioned) typically won’t extract a penalty for doing something that is only technically incorrect. Instead, you’ll just be ignored.
The work will ultimately succeed or not based on who you are, not what you do. Those who are known for performing successful magic often improvise on the fly. What they do works because the essence of what their spirit wants is successfully sent to the right place where it can take seed. That means good occult work is mainly about the power of your consciousness, not the mechanics of a ritual.